Christian Education

15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (2nd Tim. 2:15)

We would like to foster a relationship between you and the Savior. We want to assist in reaffirming the reason the WORD is your SWORD and how to utilize this very important tool in the growth of the life of the believer.

We offer new membership and discipleship classes to assist you in your daily Christian Walk. We focus on the difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.

Here at GNLWC we believe that faith comes from hearing and hearing by the WORD of GOD. We also believe that when you study the WORD for yourself, you can start to experience the love of Jesus Christ and see divine intervention manifest in your LIFE.

Praise & Worship Department

Media, Audio, Production and Performing Arts
Dance Ministry
Worship Warriors

Community & Outreach Team

S.W.A.T (Soul Winning Action Team) - SWAT is a community outreach team that strives to win souls for Jesus Christ. We expect to impact the community with the love of Jesus Christ and setting the captives free.

Clothing Ministry & Drive

Food Pantry

Door to Door Ministry

Men & Women’s Ministry

Men's Ministry

Men of Power, Purpose and Praise is a ministry centered on the
education of the man, the husband, the father and the minister. We
believe men are the head of the family just as Christ is the head of
the church. Focusing on the spiritual re-birth and growth to the full
knowledge of Christ.

Woman's Ministry

 Women of Worship is a ministry centered on the
education of the woman, the wife, the mother and the minister. We
believe the woman is created as a helpmeet to her husband.